Weekend Shenanigans.

Want to hear a secret? Of course you do, everyone loves secrets. Anyways, when I have had one or two  three or four adult beverages, my friends tend to call me "Shenanigans." As you can imagine I can sometimes get myself into interesting situations, never trouble, but who does't like to have fun? This weekend doesn't really contain drunken tricks though. Sorry to disappoint.

Moving on.

Saturday my parents and I went to the Pops to see their Christmas show. For those of you not from Boston, they are a symphony orchestra accompanied by an adult choir. Basically for two hours you sit and listen to all of your holiday favorites. Yes please. The only issue is I always have choreography dancing through my head, therefore there isn't much relaxing and listening, as much as twitching and listening. Sorry not sorry. On the same page, apparently Dad's don't like it when you ignore their phone calls because the choreography in your head is just too good to be interrupted. I'm not sorry about that either. Anyways a few pictures from Saturday

Boston Pops IMG_4234


Okay the first is of a Red Sox pitcher from the 2007 World Series team, Hideki Okajima, doing his best to conduct the orchestra. For those of you wondering- yes, the Sox have won three titles in 9 years. To the right, a picture of the crazy snow storm outside the window of my favorite restaurant on the harbor. That picture is awful but when Santa brings me my new iPhone 5S for Christmas I will be equipped to provide you with much better pictures.

Sunday I attended a cute production of the Nutcracker. While the production itself was small and somewhat unorganized it was definitely endearing and the kids definitely worked hard for the end result. Besides, some of the mishaps were the best part! My outfit for this shindig was actually my favorite part, I broke the rules of fashion and wore white jeans. I'm obviously a rebel, duh.

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I was going for the J.crew model look. Success? Probably not but a girl can dream. The bottom picture was my first ever selfie posted to instagram. So.damn. scary. If you would like to be my friend on Instagram and make my Christmas- @smurphy58. Possibly twitter and make me even happier? @pearls_sass. All are welcome, but really.

Alright and finally we are left with today, Monday. I know not really the weekend but work with me here. I would like to introduce you all to the little man who has completely and totally stolen my heart, CJ.



Try to tell me he isn't the most precious baby you have ever laid eyes on and I will tell you you're the biggest liar ever. I met him today and fell head over heels in love. I should mention that on my first attempt to meet him I texted my cousin and received "This is the wrong number but thanks for calling my children adorable hahaha." AWKWARD. I couldn't make this shit up people. These are just the unfortunate events that plague spice up my life.

This was my weekend. Tonight? Tea and both The Santa Clause 1 & 2. Anyone else think Charlie is awkwardly old in the second one and Lucy is too old to be a new character? Whatever, these are some of my favorites and that isn't going to change.



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