So much happiness..

If you're following me on Instagram (if not you should be) you have probably heard the news by now. If you're not following me and have not a clue what I'm talking about then, you get what you get and you don't get upset. That last line was practice because...

I'm going to be an aunt!

My best friend Fallan, walked into work one day with a small bag. I could see that it was wine but didn't think much of it. In case you were wondering that's why we're friends, she can walk around with wine and I don't wonder why. She looked anxious and while I knew she had been expecting the results to her test about a week prior, she didn't mention and I wasn't going to push. No talk of the subject meant one of two things- the news was exactly what we wanted or it was really bad and she was crushed. Being the sneaky gal that I am I created conversations that would trick her into telling me what was going on. For instance mentioning drinking or caffeine, I even brought up that I had my period to see if she would crack. She's too smart for me, I got nowhere. 

Anyway, she walks into work and hands me this bag saying "I got a little something for you." Naturally, confused I respond with "why?" I opened that bag to find the best gift ever.

Aside from the creativity of this announcement there is so much more that went into it. Baby Dale, my future niece or nephew, is the product of IVF treatment. If you're interested in reading or know anyone that may be, read Fallan's story here. It has been a long, long road and I couldn't be more proud of my friend for getting through this difficult time in her life and choosing to share her story in hopes of helping another future mommy.

Good friends are incredibly hard to find and I'm honored to have gone through this process with her. If I turned even a couple to tears to smiles, I did my job. 

On my end, I'm proud and extremely thankful that the prayers paid off. I can't wait to snuggle this sweet little baby and tell him/her exactly how loved he/she is. Also, buy as many toys as I possibly can until Fallan and Mark tell me I have to stop. (Even then I probably definitely won't.) Until then, I'm off to pin everything baby related I can find and plan the best baby shower I can. 

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