Happy First Birthday!

Happy First Birthday to Pearls and Sass! She's the big one today and there is just so much to reflect on. (Insert iPhone party emojis) Lucky for you, I'm not going to go through every post or everything I have written about for the past year. One, I just don't want to right about now and two, well, I know for a fact you just don't care to read it. So how about a quick recap of the year? 

I started this little corner of the blogging world because I love writing and I love vocalizing what I'm feeling. Kind of. Even if it's just to a blank page that does nothing but listen. I wanted to have something I could look back on one day and say "Oh yeah, I remember that!" The good, the bad and ugly. Maybe likely, eh, hopefully someday I'll look back and think to myself "why did that seem like such a big deal? It wasn't and everything worked out just fine." Perhaps we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Just thinking optimistically, you can't blame a girl for trying.

Over the year I have blogged about fitness, diet's, healthy eating, beauty, fashion, sports and whatever else I felt like at the moment. I guess we can say I'm your stereotypical lifestyle blogger. I have tried to post about things that get the most page views but at the end of the day, it works out better for me to write what I want, when I want. Better to write, better to read. 

One of my favorite posts over the last year was a linkup with my two fav bloggers. You know, 32 Things That Make Me Happy. I dare you to come up with 32! It's not as easy as it seems, which is all the reason it's entirely necessary. Oh and the one addressing teens and 20-somethings on their poor behavior.  I'm sure there's more I'm just drawing some blanks at the moment. 

Thus, goals. I plan on keeping up this little ol' thing. Perhaps there are some surprises headed your way. Unsure. Pretty sure, but not totally. Anyway- I vow to post more, take more pictures, good pictures at that, and share more than I'm comfortable with. Like I've said- I wan't to share everything and remember everything. 

So again, Happy Birthday to my Pretty little blog. Many more to come! 

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